Dossiers thématiques

29th Meeting of ERGECD, 1-3 April Lyon

A joint ERGECD-ITCASS meeting is organized for the first time in Lyon, April 1-3 2020. The reason to join these two meetings is that there is overlap in topics covered and both meetings have a small and informal character.

The Organizing Committee of the 29th ERGECD meeting is happy to invite you in Lyon, France, to tell us about your latest research. The meeting will take place at Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS), Site Monod, Place de l’Ecole, 69007 LYON, Amphithéâtre Mérieux.

ERGECDS meetingd are small informal meetings which gather experts in the field of skin toxicology, immunology and contact dermatitis including chemists, pharmacologists, epidemiologists, clinicians, toxicologists, cell biologists and immunologists.

If you are interested in the ERGECD meeting, please register and send the title of your presentation.

Best wishes
Jean-François Nicolas & Marc Vocanson


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