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Evaluation of the container-content interaction, EXPERTOX laboratory

12 June 2018

 In order to improve the evaluation of the container-content interaction, EXPERTOX laboratory has established a list of molecules with a potential health risk or being prohibited in the finish product; these molecules are likely to migrate from the package to the product.

This list has been established using the food regulation [1], data from the literature on the migration of plastic packaging in foodstuffs, molecules that are banned or restricted in cosmetic products according to the European regulation n° 1223 / 2009 [2] and finally based on the list of molecules suspected to be at risk for health or the environment by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) [3].

The list has also been completed by other molecules that could be a threat to the health. Therefore, it is necessary to update the method to identify and quantify compounds that may migrate from the package to the product. The article “Optimization of the method of the content-containing interaction evaluation for cosmetic products by gas chromatography – mass spectrometry recently accepted in International Journal of Cosmetic Science (doi: 10.1111 / ics.12460) describes the method [4].

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Laboratoire EXPERTOX

14 rue Godefroy Cavaignac – 75011 Paris

Tél : +33 (01) 43 67 96 56